June/July Paintings 2015

Drew this during the FESTA ITALIANA MINNESOTA 2015

Drew this during the FESTA ITALIANA MINNESOTA 2015

Drew this during the FESTA ITALIANA MINNESOTA 2015

Drew this during the FESTA ITALIANA MINNESOTA 2015

This was illustrated with charcoal pencil, while the light rain dropped upon me. I then added color using the light puddle of water on the paper. It gave off a graceful effect of two lovers standing in the rain, enjoying the Music that evening. The link below takes you to the bands music HotDate....

I drew this during the concert series at Mears Park. This was Hotdate last song and it gave off a urban feel...

Music in Mears, HotDate had some truly unique sounds that gave off a good energy..I created the entire series in watercolor due to the light rain that had fallen upon us..

Having company amongst the breeze of the wind are these two flowers..