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Short Films


Bogo the alien

Bogo's spaceship crashes and he is given another chance.

Jack Straw

A tune from the Grateful Dead, put together using old free archives of vintage films.

Hot liquid explodes in mid air

When the temperature  reaches -10, and hot water is thrown in the's a sight.

Spaceman's Death


Using action figures and inspired by a clip of the Grateful Dead's "Space" from their live concert show, I created using some sound and special effects. This was done in early 2000. I guess the story plot is pretty silly, I wanted to see what I could do.


Riverside Rhapsody 


I created this short film using a mirror image effect in imovie. I also added Riverside Rhapsody, from the Infared Roses CD of the Grateful Dead. It was all synced out buy mere luck. Towards the end, I just let the tape roll for no apparent reason..

Pastoral. A quick claymation of paint tubes creating a masterpiece

This juicing was titled Purple rain. It includes Beets, Carrots, Apples,Lemon and Spinach.

Video Name

I'm a description. Click to edit me​​

My Horse Sculpture was created in this film.

Scroll to the 58sec mark, 1:16, 1:20

My firist Juicing video. I wanted to inform the public on the importance of Vegetable juicing and how we can incorporate it in our daily living.

© 1999-2024 by Michael DeMeglio. Proudly created drinking plenty of Latte's along with a killer website program


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