Underland Episode III: Beyond the Rift!
Highland Friendship Club Students have done it once again! Featuring the third episode of Underland. Dusty Thune and Gabe Stienburg, two fantastic writers have really taken this movie by storm. You don't want to miss it, see it at the Ordway Center for performing Arts. Check out the article below and read more on details.
Highland Friendship Club in collaboration with KoolAbilities brings you the world premiere of Underland Episode III: Beyond the Rift! Underland Episode III features Highland Friendship Club's members, people with disabilities, as the stars of the cast. They are the inspiration behind this project, and can't wait to show you what they've been up to all summer! Join us at this year's NEW venue for the premiere: The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts. 1:30-2:30pm: Red Carpet Arrival 2:30-4:00pm: Movie Premiere 4:15-6:00pm: Awards Ceremony TICKETS FOR SALE: $12.50 each. Seats are assigned... BUY NOW to secure the best possible seat in the house! Tickets are sold through the Ordway by calling 651-224-4222 or online at this link: http://www.ordway.org/highland-friendship-club-in-collaboration-with-koolabilities-present-underland-iii-beyond-the-rift/
Like on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/421327654721995/
https://www.facebook.com/Underland.HFC.Movie.Magic Written and directed by Dusty Thune and Gabe Steinberg, Underland Episode III is a House of Thune production in association with Flipt Script Films. This is the final installment of the Underland trilogy... you don't want to miss out on what happens to all of your favorite characters! This performance is made possible in part by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Underland Epidsode III: Beyond the Rift is made possible through the City of Saint Paul Cultural STAR Program.