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July, en plein air adventure

It is a beautiful Saturday morning here in the Twin Cities. Last year today, I was out and about around Saint Paul sketching and acrylic painting the town. This year, while developing my artistic skills using oil paint, I'm following in the footsteps of the great master impressionist painters. To name a few great ones, Monet, Morisot, Pissaro ,Renoir.

While having the opportunity to create new works on semi-daily basis, I have been blessed to work on sites such as Lake Harriet, Lake Calhoun, Stillwater and several other areas yet to be discovered. While capturing the scene under the works of old masters.

There is something truly unique being in the open air, capturing the fundamental landscape in such way that brings enlightenment to myself and my followers. For those of you who have purchased my works in the past I thank you for being a part of my journey. As a painter, I am evolving in so many forms. When you look at past works of mine, I like to think of it as a journal. You can see the subject matters at hand and where I was in the previous years of my life and where I'd like to go into.

For those of you who have met me out in the field and shared your life stories with me, I thank you for giving me a glimpse of your time. It is wonderful to paint, regardless the time (for I often forget what time it is) I am not in anyway bothered by such great conversations or hello's. I encourage them often, for the energy lifts and brings life onto the canvas when I create.

Mainstreet and Chestnut, Leo's Malt Shop

Today, I will be out in the Stillwater area. Mainly on Mainstreet. My goal, is to capture Mainstreets energy and the beautiful color buildings that bring life in the downtown area. The only drawback is HOW much detail would be involved? There is a lot of vehicles and foot traffic. Simplicity is my key form, Zen like feelings is my energy that I often place onto my canvases. For this weekend, there are many places in Stillwater that I may tackle. For now, I will be heading out on the corner of Mainstreet and Chestnut to capture the fabulous Malt Shop, Leo's. Here is my vision in mind. There is something unique of the awning, and the buildings in the left distance with the staircases. The buildings overall have a warm colorful effect, but in impressionist, color varies based on your interpretation, so I am likely to change depending on the mood and feeling. Should be a fun day! If you're out and about Stillwater, give me an elbow nudge hello!!

Here is the outcome of Leo's Malt Shop in Stillwater.

This was a challenging piece, perspective wise.

From the architect layouts of the buildings, to shading in general, this was a fun piece to paint.

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